Chapter 2 – Au Revoir, Paris!

Hi guys,

I’m back with the next part of the series. If you missed the first one, here it is.

Day 3

I arrived at the Louvre museum at half past ten in the morning. The museum is located in the Louvre Palace on the bank of the river Seine. I wanted to visit the Palace of Versailles but had to scrap that due to lack of time. So here I was. For someone who’s not big on art or museums, this place could be an overload! Having said that, I must admit that it really is something. The collection is massive and it’s incredibly easy to get lost, although they do have one person in every other room to help you find your way. If you’re an art lover, this is the place to be. I did get a selfie with my buddy Mona, so nothing to complain about 🙂


A painting within a painting within a photo

I made my way out and walked along the palace walls overlooking the river. I passed by a friendly guy making candies on the street. He let me try some and we had a nice little chat. While I didn’t have a fixed itinerary for the day, I wanted to see Notre Dame. I spent most of the day walking within a three mile radius of the place. On the way, I stopped by the Pantheon (modeled on the one in Rome). When I got there, it started pouring. It now serves as a mausoleum. From the Pantheon, you also get a direct view of the Eiffel Tower.

Louvre Palace walls Seine Pantheon Pantheon Pantheon facing Eiffel Tower Universite de Paris

During my walk, I found myself in a street filled with restaurants, bakeries, you name it. I entered one bakery and tasted macaroons for the first time. Yum!

Rue de la harpe

Just another cafe Unknown

It was time to resume my quest and I took a turn at some corner nearby and there it was, right in front of me. What a sight. Breathtaking was an understatement. It is a ‘must see’. I would write more but it deserves a post of its own.

What a beauty! Notre Dame de Paris

I was now a content man and went back to the hostel for the evening. That night, I met a couple of friends at an underground bar ‘Le Caveau des Oubliettes’ which translates to ‘The Dungeon Vault’. It is neatly tucked away in an alley and has live blues/jazz/funk music. You should definitely check this place out if you’re in Paris.

The band

The next morning, I left Paris with a heavy heart. I wish I’d had more time to take in this city. But now I have a reason to come back. I shall leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies (Midnight in Paris).

“That Paris exists and anyone could choose to live anywhere else in the world will always be a mystery to me.”

13 thoughts on “Chapter 2 – Au Revoir, Paris!

  1. Lovely pictures and narration. Would like it if you could caption as many pictures as possible, at least those with monuments… I particularly like the picture of the bridge and river tinged with red/maroon! 🙂


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